Oswego, NY

Winner: First Place, Design Competition, American Society of Landscape Architecture, New York Chapter.

Oswego is a city divided by the Oswego River into an east and a west. The Oswego Green acts as a link to the east, reaching out to the public buildings on the east bank of the river, as well as acting as a focus for the entire city. The gateway at the entrance of the green is of both symbolic as well as visual significance. Just as Saarinen's Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri is a gateway to the west, the Oswego gateway operates in a similar way, although on a smaller scale, as it forms a visual connection to the east side of the river. The Oswego gateway could also be compared to the arch of Washington Square Park in New York. The Washington Square Park arch serves as a visual focus which draws people toward the park. Individuals strolling along the Oswego Riverwalk or the main business district will experience the strong visual symbol of the Oswego gateway.


Within the space of the Oswego Green another form of symbolic interaction occurs. The City Hall and the Police Station communicate with one another in a manner, which reflects their respective municipal roles. The focus is on City Hall as the Police Station acts as a supportive element, which gives form to the space that the City Hall occupies. The open green, which will be established after the current roadway is closed, may serve as an open space for civic gathering.