Trumansburg, NY

Vintage 1950s ranch timber frame and SIPS panel addition, bunkhouse creation, twenty-five meter pool and orchard-place making

Over saw the acquisition design, reconstruction, furnishing and landscaping of a vintage New York rural ranch house into an estate in Trumansburg, New York.  The structure was completely reimagined within the existing envelope to modern standards, floor and roof structures were lifted and fortified, utilities were updated. The kitchen, main hall, bathrooms and bedrooms were completely reimagined. Two large timber frame porches and SIPS panel additions were planed and executed. A small barn was converted into a bunkhouse that sleeps twelve. A 25 meter pool was planned and executed. An orchard of Apple, pears, plumbs and cherries was planned, purchased and installed; raised bed vegetable gardens; flowering trees and shrubs layout was designed and  installed; henhouse designed and built; cistern system for water designed and implemented. Both the main house and bunkhouse are physically challenged accessible. The challenge was to update the buildings and grounds while maintaining the rural understated character of the property.