Burlington, VT

The Burlington Waterfront is an urban design plan for the redevelopment of Burlington's waterfront. The plan links the community of Burlington with its waterfront. The linkages occur through the creation of pedestrian friendly neighborhoods adjacent to the waterfront park, these serve as a transition between the existing downtown and the waterfront park.

The waterfront park looks to adaptively reuse industrial fragments in order to conserve elements of Burlington's working waterfront. The park plan also includes plazas, lawns, restored areas and marinas for active and passive recreation. The redeveloped waterfront will be an animated area for all of Burlington's residents and visitors to enjoy.

The areas of redevelopment are a result of urban renewal and outdated industrial development. The proposed redeveloped areas consist of residential, mixed-use residential, commercial, utilities and transportation, and civic uses. The redeveloped areas would utilize concepts of nee-traditional town planning. The new neighborhoods would consist of pedestrian scale buildings, maintaining a consistent street wall, allow for the mixing of use and income through a mix of lot sizes and zoning. Larger residential lots would be encouraged to include accessory apartments. The commercial zone would complement Burlington's existing development.
